The SHM Extended Family Sends Their Thanks to the RSHM during National Catholic Sisters Week

The Extended Family wishes to take this opportunity during National Catholic Sisters Week to thank all the RSHM sisters who have touched our lives. We recognize that the past two years during COVID have been difficult and isolating; and we deeply cherish the opportunities we had to remain connected to RSHM celebrations, gatherings, and remembrances. Our ability to participate in liturgies, prayer services, feast day celebrations, Jubilee, and Convocation by Zoom and livestream helps us to continue to share in the mission of the RSHM, “That All May Have Life and Have it to the Full.”
As alumni, family, friends, staff and colleagues in ministry, we are nourished by our connection with the sisters, the faith-vision charism of Pere Gailhac and the rich heritage of the RSHM. This deep faith inspires us to know and love God who created us and to bring this knowledge and love of God to all those we encounter – in person, on the phone, in our hearts, through the news, and/or through our personal writing, reading and reflection. With Pere Gailhac and all RSHM, we are always mindful of caring for the most vulnerable among us, especially women and children.
We are Grateful!
“…To be grateful is to recognize the love in everything He has given us – and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.” Thomas Merton
Each day during National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8 – 14), we will share expressions of gratitude from a number of our SHM Extended Family members.

Cormaria Chapel