Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Eastern American Area
The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary is an international congregation of women religious. The words ut vitam habeant (“that they may have life”), engraved on the cross we wear, convey our mission “to know and love God, to make God known and loved, to proclaim that Jesus Christ has come in order that all may have life” (Constitutions #7).
That all may have life
Founded in 1849, we now have diverse ministries in 13 countries, working to promote the fullness of life for those we serve and committed to the sustainability of the earth, our common home. The empowerment of women and children is a special focus in our call to give life, especially in situations where it is denied, devalued, or diminished.
We respect the diversity of faiths, cultures, and ethnicities throughout society, and welcome collaboration with those who share our vision. We are strengthened living in community and enriched by prayer, deepening our personal and communal response to God’s call.

Upcoming events
In addition to events, programs, and services, you can join us virtually for our daily Mass livestream.