As a presence at the United Nations, the RSHM NGO strives to work for the promotion of justice on behalf of those who are marginalized, especially women and children.

The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary became affiliated with the United Nations in 2006 as a non-governmental organization (NGO) associated with the UN Department of Public Information. This extends the global influence of the Institute’s mission “That All May Have Life.” In 2013, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted us Special Consultative Status. This enables us to present written and oral testimony at UN sessions. We hope to influence policy as we continue to work for justice on behalf of the poor and marginalized, especially women and children.

We disseminate UN information resources to our members and, through them, to all those we serve. Working in close partnership with the RSHM Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Network, we encourage members’ participation through their provincial and regional structures. This ensures that our dynamic presence is effective at both locally and globally. levels. In collaboration with other NGOs sharing similar goals, we explicitly advocate our preferential options for women and children and the care of the earth within the UN network of international bodies. Currently, we look to effectively address issues of human trafficking, the girl child, and sustainable development for all. We engage with Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals so that all may have Life.