April 30, 2023 was a day of great jubilation at Marymount Covent. With a true friend, Father Senan Taylor presiding, Eucharsitic Liturgy was a joyful highlight, concluding with the following toast for the Jubilarians by Sisters Bea McMahon and deLourdes Mechow:
Our toast is a wish and a prayer that the joys of today may be multiplied in the years to come.
Beginning with the “youngster” of 50 GOLDEN years, Ines Gizzarelli, may the song in your heart ring with the gladness of all the songs you have ever sung, and may you always sense the heart of God beating with your own.
And to our sparkling DIAMONDS:
Kathleen Cummins, may those beautiful Irish blue eyes continue to shine on all, especially on the little ones whom you teach and cherish.
Kathleen Murphy, forever young at heart, caring for the young of our Institute, may you remain near and dear to us, though geographically far…represented by the trinity of Murphys.
Catherine Patten, may your extraordinary gifts of mind and spirit flourish as you share with so many the Common Ground of faith and love.
Now, last but not least, our revered PLATINUMS:
Anne Considine, ever gentle, ever true, math whiz, purveyor of plum puddings and crossword puzzles, may your generosity come back to you a hundredfold.
John Bosco Goria, gifting us with impeccable archives and scrumptious meals, may the loving care you have shown be echoed in the loving care you receive in return.
Frances Lane, growing up with four brothers, blessed among men, woman of dignity, equally at home with the highest authorities of our Institute and the neediest immigrants in our land, may the openness of your heart always invite a multitude of blessings.
Elvira Leal, caring for flowers and linens in the House of the Lord, serving in the poorest neighborhoods of Beacon and New York City, may you always find joy in knowing that God is with you.
Andrew Murcia, lover of people and of walking with friends, welcomer of guests, especially through long years at Cormaria, may your winning smile never fade.
Eveline Murray, pastoral administrator, missionary, the work of your hands continues in the church you built with parishioners in Virginia, and in the clinic and school you promoted in Zimbabwe. May your quiet efficiency be shouted from the rooftops of the heavenly city.
Mary Elizabeth Rathgeb, answering to many names…Jean Antoine, Jeanie, Peanuts… your gift for detail served so well in administration at Marymount College and in all you have given and accomplished. May your gift for enduring friendship be a lasting joy.
In closing, along with our Jubilarians we toast all those who have loved them through the years, and we ask our generous God to continue to bless them with cheerfulness and faith in all that is good.

Congratulations to one and all! THANK YOU!